Today's guestI found just browsing "X" when I came across his profile and read his bio.
Now this is not somebody that has thousands of followers or a big name in the adult industry, but yet he caught my eye because he is just a "regular guy". By this, I don't mean, that he is not a special person or does not have something to offer to society, but that many of you can relate to him when you hear his story.
It's always a question someone wonders is how do you get involved or become an adult performer what makes you take that step career-wise.
My guest Johnny The Ninja was "just" Johnny, a corrections officer working at a maximum security prison for 10 years before getting injured in a car accident, being rear ended at 70 MPH
After a year of medical challenges from the car accident, Johnny was ready to return to his full time career back at the prison; HOWEVER, This was no longer an option for him. His injuries and titaniam in his neck made him a liability risk and his career as a guard had come to an end.
I always say opportunity presents itself when you least expect it. Come and listen to how his career and life was put on hold until an opportunity presented itself in a way that many think is too impossible to ever happen to them.
Never Say Never. Listen and see how Johnny The Ninja was born and where his career is now and why its never to late to take a chance and do what you may think is impossible.