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Why you should never give up. preface for next week's guest Shawn Mayotte

We all have those days where we just want to give up, feel like the world Is against us and there is no reason to keep going. This week's episode is a short introduction to next week's interview with a man who is a true survivor.

Now a published author, musician, gay community ally, drug counselor, husband and father shares with us his childhood terror of sexual abuse as far back as he can remember. Being abandoned and put into the Los Angekes system, a Boys home which was supposed to be a safe haven.

His story will shock you, anger you, make you cry BUT he will also inspire you That will power and strength to survive is why he is here today to share his stories and make a difference in the lives of our future generations in hopes no child has to endure time horrific sexual abuse encounters that he ultimately survived through.

The next time you want to give in and feel there is no use in continuing, remember the child this Nan once was and you will realize the power in listening and sharing your story. Remember what I always say, each and everyone of us have a story to share and it's important we listen with an open mind.