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Nov. 1, 2022

Which type of therapy is the right choice?

Which type of therapy is the right choice?

When it comes to seeking out professional help sometimes just the options alone can be enough to make someone need therapy.  Not only are you needing guidance on type of specialist to see and what qualifications they hold,  but also the type of help you need and what approach might work best for your current situation.  I am by no means an expert in this field; however, I have done my fair share of research and can assist with the basics. 

In the beginning, meeting with any professional can be a challenging as you will have to be willing to let your guard down and dig deeper into your emotions to help get to the root of the issue.  Some negative past experiences may be brought up, however, the more open and honest you can be with your therapist the quicker they can assist to addressing the underlining issues. 

There are over 50 different types of therapy but the most common five are what I will focus on here today.  Psychodynamic therapy developed from psychoanalysis, is a long-term approach to mental health treatment.  In this type of therapy your specialist may bring up your childhood or see if you can remember dreams that repeat.  Together you and your therapist are trying to explore your unconscious mind and see the connection between your emotions and thought patterns.  This type of therapy can be used to treat depression, substance abuse disorders, anxiety, and other disorders such as eating disorders. 

Another type of therapy which is quite common is Behavioral therapy.  This type of therapy focuses on an action approach to address treatment.  Your therapist will revisit your past with you and ways you may have been taught to deal with certain circumstances.  Your past behavior may have a negative affect on your way of thinking in the present, mostly due to just repeating what you are used to.  There will be more of a hands-on approach versus a lot of conversational therapy to retrain your brain to handle a situation differently.

One of the most commonly used treatments is cognitive behavioral therapy.  Together you and your therapist will identify where your negative feelings come from regarding yourself and the patterns that cause these thoughts. Then together, the patient and therapist will find ways to address these negative thoughts and change them by possibly tracking them in a notebook and analyzing what triggers them.  Once the trigger has been identified, together the therapist can help the patient in how they deal with these reoccurring negative thoughts.

One type of therapy that I personally feel is very beneficial on so many levels is Humanistic therapy.  This is more of the direct help yourself where the therapist is your guide, but it is in your control to understand why you are suffering from depression or anxiety.  You must dig deeper to see what is stopping you from living a better life.  Your therapist will not cast judgment on you or place a label or diagnosis, but instead you will be able to soul search into your thoughts and emotions and what is triggering the negativity.  Only then, will you learn how to accept these emotions and train your mind to replace your irrational behavior with re-directing to a positive outlook such as obtaining that better way of life you long for. 

You are in charge in humanistic therapy and your therapist is just your guide.  Most depression stems from judgment or criticism you receive from others which makes accepting yourself difficult.  In a humanist approach your therapist does not cast judgment or criticism and instead provides guidance and a visual for a positive future. 

Roleplay therapy such as Gestalt therapy makes you face issues head on and the ability to roleplay these issues out can give you a clearer view of the underlining issue at hand. 

If you feel that you might need to seek out help from a professional, it is important to know that sometimes our first choice is not always the best choice.  Just like when life throws us a curve ball and we choose the wrong path the same can happen with a therapist, a career move or even a potential relationship.    If you are not feeling the chemistry, it is completely fine to depart ways and reach out to someone new.  

The first step in seeking guidance is admitting to yourself that you need help.  Asking for help in many aspects of life in general, is very difficult for most people and seeking out Therapy is a scary thought.  The feeling of being judged for sharing what is bothering you or being misunderstood are some of the reasons people choose to just deal with their depression.  

On my podcast, I seek out to find therapists and counselors that specialize if various kinks, fetishes, or alternative lifestyles.  I want to bring my listeners a specialist who leaves the judgment at the doorstep.  If you have made the decision that you want to discuss your thoughts with someone, you have already taken a big step.  It is only fair that your therapist has an open mind and is ready to listen without judgment or being so quick to label or provide a diagnosis. 

Something that I personally feel can alleviate the pain someone might be experiencing is finding a support group with others in your same situation.  I often refer in my articles and during my podcasts that every single person in this world has a story and although, you may think your story is boring and it will not help someone, I can promise you that you are wrong.  Every one of us can learn from one another.  Sometimes just hearing someone else talk about something they have experienced triggers in your head your similar situation and the immediate connection is made between their story and yours.  

Something else I want to touch on before coming to an end is a subject I have touched on briefly before.  As a webcam model and a chat agent for Dr. Suzie Institute my clients often think they are alone.  When a client comes to me for a roleplay scenario or to discuss a fetish or fantasy many times, they truly believe no one else has the thoughts they do.  Time and time again, I must reiterate that their fetish, kink, fantasy, or roleplay scenario is one I have heard over 100 times.  Do not think for a moment ever that you are alone, and you are the only one because that is far from the truth.  

In a support group situation, many times, just one person coming forward and sharing is all it takes to be the best therapy for the rest of the group.  Remember, sometimes the best medicine we can provide one another is a shoulder to cry on, a lending ear and showing them compassion.

Till next time,

Be true to you and live for you.

Coralyn Jewel